Please read the following terms of use, service agreement and disclaimer carefully before using this website. by accessing or using this website, you agree to the terms of use, service agreement, disclaimer and all other terms provided herein. if you do not agree to all of terms, do not access or use this website.DISCLAIMER
This Website and all entities or persons associated with it, including but not limited to its operators, owners, officers, employees, agents, affiliates, or representatives which includes the assigned case attorney or attorneys and their associates, employees and/or agents, (herein defined or collectively referred to the "Website", "site" or "We") make no warranty or representation, express or implied, with respect to the quality, content, accuracy, completeness, currency, freedom from computer virus, or non-infringement of proprietary rights, of any of the design, information, text, graphics, images, pages, interfaces, links, software, or other materials and items contained in or displayed on this site. All such items and materials are provided on an "as is" basis. You are fully and solely responsible for your use of them and for any results or consequences of your use.This Website has been compiled from a variety of sources, including sources beyond the control of this Website, and are subject to change without notice. Commercial use is prohibited without the prior written permission of this Website. In no event shall the Website or its agencies, officers, employees, agents or representatives be liable for any direct, indirect, special, punitive, incidental, exemplary or consequential damages arising from your accessing or using this site or otherwise arising from the site or from anything contained in or displayed on the site.
Nothing contained in or displayed on this Website constitutes or is intended to constitute legal advice for any purpose. Neither the Website nor any of its agencies, officers, employees, agents, attorneys, or representatives are providing legal advice except in the limited scope as outlined in the Service Agreement.
External Sites
This Website may contain links to other sites on the Internet that are operated by parties other than this Website. This Website is not responsible for the content of any such external site(s), or for the availability of the site or its content. If you have questions or concerns regarding the content of any of these external sites, you should contact that site administrator directly.COPYRIGHT, TRADEMARKS AND SERVICEMARKS
All trademarks and service marks contained in or displayed on the site, and the contents of linked sites operated by third parties, are the property of their respective owners. All other design, information, text, graphics, images, pages, interfaces, links, software, and other items and materials contained in or displayed on this site, and the selection and arrangements thereof, are the property of this Website. All rights are reserved. Permission is granted to print single pages from the site for the sole purpose of sharing information on the site with another person for the sole purpose of collaboration in order to complete your divorce questionnaire or additional information requested by this Website, and on the condition that the pages are printed and shared without cost to the other person and must be exactly as presented on the site without any addition or modification. Distribution or republication in any other form or for any other purpose, including any commercial purpose or use, and any modification whatsoever, are strictly prohibited and use of any copyrighted material or original works of authorship from this Website without the prior written permission of this Website may result in a lawsuit for infringement and the award of statutory damages, attorney's fees, actual damages, and profits.COMMUNICATIONS THROUGH THIS WEBSITE
In no event shall any communication made through this Website's e-mail and messaging functions constitute legal advice by this Website unless said communication is from the assigned case attorney and within the scope of communication permitted by the Service Agreement. As always, if you need legal advice, consult an independent, licensed and qualified attorney.WARRANTIES AND REPRESENTATIONS
While this Website makes every effort to maintain the database with complete and accurate information, its information is deemed reliable but is provided with no warranty or guarantee concerning the accuracy or reliability of the content at this site or at other sites to which this site links. Users of information from this Website, or its links, do so at their own risk. The materials in this website and database are informational.They are provided "as is" without warranties of any kind either express, for a particular purpose, or implied. This website makes no representations about the suitability of the information contained in the data published. The website hereby disclaims all warranties and conditions of any kind, express or implied, about this information and data including all implied warranties and conditions of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, title, and non-infringement. The website does not warrant or make any representations regarding the use or the results of the use of the materials in this website in terms of correctness, accuracy, reliability, or otherwise.
Under no circumstances, including, but not limited to, negligence, shall the website be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, punitive or consequential damages that result in any way from your use of or inability to use the website or your reliance on or use of information, services or merchandise provided on or through the website, or that result from mistakes, omissions, interruptions, deletion of files, errors, defects, delays in operation, or transmission, or any failure of performance, even if the website or its authorized representative has been advised of the possibility of such damages. Applicable law may not allow the limitation or exclusion of liability or incidental or consequential damages, so the above limitation or exclusion may not apply to you.ACCURACY OF INFORMATION
This Website has taken reasonable measures to ensure that the information and data presented on this Website are accurate and current. However, this Website makes no express or implied warranty regarding such information or data, and hereby expressly disclaims all legal liability and responsibility to persons or entities that use or access this site and its content, based on their reliance on any information or data that is available through this Website. The information available on this Website is not intended to constitute and should not be considered as legal advice, nor is it intended to substitute for obtaining legal advice from competent and independent legal counsel in the relevant jurisdiction.Transmission and receipt of this information may not create an attorney-client relationship. This Website does not purport to authoritatively interpret current federal and state statutes, regulations, orders or other legislative authority, nor does it bind this Website with regard to the matters presented. The content of this Website is not designed or intended to provide authoritative legal or other professional advice which may be reasonably relied on by its readers. If expert assistance in this area is required, the services of a qualified independent legal professional should be sought.
This Website is designed to help you better understand the law and the legal processes involved in obtaining a divorce. This information is not intended to be a substitute for legal advice from an independent attorney. Each case has its own particular set of circumstances and only an independent attorney can advise you about what is best for you in your individual situation. If you use this information, you do so at your own risk. In no event will any person or entity contributing to the production of this Website be liable for any direct, indirect, or consequential damages resulting from its use.Due to the changing nature of the law and the rules of court, the information contained in this Website may become outdated or inaccurate. No one associated with this Website is guaranteeing the information provided in this Website will remain accurate or up to date or that it will be appropriate for your particular case. Even though you use the information in this Website, it does not guarantee you any particular outcome or judicial ruling in your case. For this reason, you should talk with an independent attorney about your case. If you are unable to do so, you should research and review the statutes, rules of procedure and case law that apply to your case.
First and foremost, this Website provides an inexpensive method for educating yourself about the divorce process and the various requirements and procedures. The specific case documents and information received are prepared by a duly licensed Washington state attorney and the documents are prepared based upon your mutual agreement with your spouse. This Website is provided as a service and as a convenience to you by allowing you to receive limited legal services at a very affordable price. It is not intended as a means to solve complex legal issues nor is general information intended to provide specific legal advice. Each divorce or legal separation action can be different and you may wish to consult with an independent attorney concerning specific issues in your case as they relate to you as an individual. It is likely that you may not be able to use the divorce documents that you receive from this Website due to a variety of circumstances including but not limited to: your spouse deciding not to sign the documents; your spouse filing before you received your documentation; your divorce case requiring involvement of an independent attorney to represent your individual interests; you deciding not to file for divorce; your failure to use the access information provided to log-in to the online questionnaire; your failure to complete the online questionnaire; or the documents you receive from this Website are not suitable for your particular and actual circumstances.
By accessing the Website and paying the service fee, you agree that the Website is not responsible for any of the afore-mentioned circumstances or any other circumstances preventing you from receiving the documents from this Website or using the divorce documents produced by this Website; you also agree that the Website's sole responsibility to you is to provide you with the access information to the case login area and the online questionnaire to articulate the mutual agreement reached by you and your spouse. Therefore, by paying the service fee, you agree that the act of providing you with the access information for the case login area and the online questionnaire constitutes a fully completed service since by accessing the case login area and the online questionnaire you are able to educate yourself about the divorce process and procedures and articulate your mutual agreement with your spouse.
Receiving completed case documents is provided only if you complete the entire online questionnaire. Your decision to not submit your case information is your decision and your failure to not complete the questionnaire does not provide you a basis to receive a refund of the service fee. By submitting your credit card information, you agree that the service fee is nonrefundable because you are provided with the access information to the case login area and the online questionnaire (such as username and password or other access information that the Website may deem appropriate) immediately after your payment is received. The Website is only responsible for providing the access information and is not responsible for your subsequent use of this information or your failure to use it for any reason including failure to save the information or your loss of the information.
The Website, at its discretion, may provide you with the access information in a variety of ways such as displaying this information on a web page or providing this information through email. You agree that for purposes of any billing disputes, to demonstrate that the service has been provided to you by this Website in full, it will be sufficient for the Website to show copies of the emails with access information or provide a record of time and IP address used to submit payment information and view any web pages that display access information. Notwithstanding the Service Guarantee that this Website offers, you agree that all payments made to this Website are final and the service fee is nonrefundable. The Service Guarantee states that in the event that your completed divorce documents are not accepted by the court due to a typographical or a formatting error by this Website and the Website fails to make the corrections specifically requested by the court, you may be eligible for a refund of the service fee minus the fifty-dollar administrative fee.
To qualify for a refund of your service fee minus the administrative fee, you must provide evidence of any rejection or denial by the court of the divorce documents produced by this Website. We reserve the right to verify rejection or denial information with the court. In such cases, your service fee minus the fifty-dollar administrative fee may be refundable if the court does not accept your divorce documents due to our error, and we consequently fail to correct this error after we receive a written notification from you or the court.
By registering and submitting your credit card information, you acknowledge that the following circumstances may occur and that these circumstances cannot be used as reasons or explanations when requesting the refund of your service fee: you fail to log-in to the case login area or the online questionnaire, you fail to complete the online questionnaire, you decide to not submit the documents to the court; your spouse is unwilling to sign the documents; you and your spouse decide to reconcile; you or your spouse retain an attorney or another service; the death of your spouse; you fail to provide complete or accurate information to us or the court; your inability to afford court filing fees; delay in receiving your divorce documents. All refund requests are considered and a decision will be reached based upon these terms of service. You may request a refund at any time by sending an email request to us and submitting a refund request form. Court filing fees filing fees are your responsibility and are separate from our service fee. Court filing fees vary from county to county.
At this time, the filing fee for dissolution of marriage in most jurisdictions is $280 although in some instances a reduction or waiver of the court filing fee may be available from the court. You should verify the court filing fee with the court. In addition, you acknowledge and specifically agree that charge backs are unlawful if the Website services have been rendered in accordance with these terms of service, e.g. you have been provided with access information for the case login area and online questionnaire. The Website will use this document to dispute your charge back with your bank or credit card company. If you have a billing dispute with this Website, it is your responsibility to settle such dispute with the Website directly without initiating any chargeback.
Any chargeback may evoke an administrative fee of fifty dollars, without exception and regardless of the outcome of the chargeback case. In addition to legal fees, if you initiate a chargeback, you agree to be liable for the following charges via a collection agency: original value of service rendered; a fifty-dollar administrative fee; a fifty-dollar chargeback fee; and a sixty-dollar recovery fee. By submitting your credit card information, you indicate your acceptance to pay the costs listed above. In the event of a chargeback being raised, the Website may, at our sole discretion, provide all relevant information to a third party for the purposes of recovering debt, or for the pursuit of civil or criminal proceedings. Information provided may include personally identifiable information, including, but not limited to, Name, Address, IP Address, Credit Card information, Date of Birth, Social Security Number and any other information found from, or provided by, other sources. Note that a collection agency action may negatively impact your credit.
We cannot guarantee the results or outcome of your divorce case. We cannot guarantee the judge will rule in your favor on any matter. We are not responsible for your mistakes or circumstances beyond our control. We are not affiliated with, endorsed by or otherwise connected with any court or government body. As such, court backlogs may lead to a long delay before your case is completed. We are not responsible for delays with preparing your divorce documents or your divorce case after your divorce documents are filed with the court.
By registering and submitting your credit card information, you agree to these terms and service conditions and for your credit card to be charged a nonrefundable service fee in full. This Website may refuse service to anyone at any time and for any reason by terminating our service. This Website may terminate service for any reason and at any time by issuing a refund of the service fee minus the fifty-dollar administrative fee. After processing your credit card payment, you will be provided with information (on the Website or through an email) explaining how to access the case login area and the online questionnaire. Please know that sometimes these emails may be caught by your "Spam Protection" tool, or may be automatically sent to your "Junk" folder, please be sure to check those locations if you don't receive an email from us within 24 hours after submitting payment information. Internet Service Providers (ISPs) may also delay delivery of an email message or the message delivery may ultimately fail or be blocked by your ISP. If you do not receive an email the message from us after submitting your payment information it is likely due to the aforementioned reasons. It is your responsibility to contact us via email and we will re-send the access information to you via an alternative method.
If we are unable to process your payment, you may also be notified via email. This Website and it agents and owners are not responsible for any loss, injury, claim, liability, or damage related to your failure to receive an email message. In some instances the payment process may not be successful but you may still be provided with access to the case login area and online questionnaire. If you use/access same and submit a completed questionnaire, you action demonstrates your clear intent to use our service and you consent to the full service fee. We may in such instances collect the service fee by providing you with an invoice by email or US mail. Paying the online service fees does not mean you have hired an attorney. Neither this Website or its employees or agents are acting on your behalf as your individual attorney. This Website does not provide legal advice. Your case documents are prepared based upon you and your spouses mutual agreement and are attorney reviewed only for format, accuracy and completeness. In no case will this site or any of its employees or agents be responsible for incorrect information provided by you. It is your responsibility to review your documents prior to filing. The scope or representation provided by the case attorney is outlined in the Service Agreement, below. The information on this Website is not a substitute for the advice of an attorney. In no case are in-person meetings held with the case attorney or any employees or agents of this site. If you have general questions regarding dissolution of marriage in Washington State and would like to speak to your case attorney, then a teleconference can be arranged for an additional fee. Please note that in no circumstances will legal advice be given. Telephone calls are returned as a courtesy only and for the sole purpose of providing technical and general support. The best way to receive support is via email. We may choose to respond to telephone inquiries via email.
One Payment Plan ($249): The One Payment Plan allows you to start your online processing allowing you to gain access and provide your case information online to the case attorney. The case attorney will then complete your uncontested divorce case documents and filing/case completion instructions.
This total includes both the $149.00 technical fee, and the legal service fee of $100.
Two Payments Plan ($149 & $149): The Two Payments Plan allows you to start your online processing by paying only $149.00 and then paying a balance of $149.00 at a later time.
You must pay the balance of the service fee for the case attorney to complete your uncontested divorce case documents and filing/case completion instructions.
Upon receipt of your first payment, you will gain access, and $149 technical fee (case processing fee) is nonrefundable, as explained above.
After paying the 2nd payment of $149.00, eliminating the balance, your case documents shall be provided.
This total includes both the $149.00 technical fee, the payment processing fee of $49 and the legal service fee of $100.
At this time, the filing fee for dissolution of marriage in most jurisdictions is $314, although in some instances, a reduction or waiver of the court filing fee may be available from the court.
Notwithstanding the Service Guarantee that this Website offers, you agree that all payments made to this Website are final and the service fee is nonrefundable as explained in the Service Agreement. The Service Guarantee states that in the event that your completed divorce documents are not accepted by the court due to a typographical or a formatting error by this Website and the Website fails to make the corrections specifically requested by the court, you may be eligible for a refund of the service fee minus a fifty-dollar ($50.00) administrative fee.To qualify for a refund of your service fee minus the administrative fee, you must provide evidence of any rejection or denial by the court of the divorce documents produced by this Website. You must submit your refund request by email and then complete a Refund Request Form. We reserve the right to verify rejection or denial information with the court or to request evidence of any claim(s). In such cases, your service fee minus the fifty-dollar ($50.00) administrative fee may be refundable if the court does not accept your divorce documents due to our error, and we consequently fail to correct this error after we receive a notification from you or the court.
By registering and submitting your credit card information, you acknowledge that the following circumstances may occur and that these circumstances cannot be used as reasons or explanations when requesting a refund of the service fee: you fail to log-in to the case login area; you fail to complete the entire online questionnaire; you decide to not submit your documents to the court; your spouse is unwilling to sign the documents; your spouse files before you; you and your spouse decide to reconcile; you or your spouse retain an attorney or another service provider; the death of your spouse; you fail to provide complete or accurate information to us or the court; your inability to afford court filing fees; delay in receiving your divorce documents; you simply changing your mind after submitting payment; your divorce becoming contested.
Refund requests are only processed after submitting a completed Refund Request Form. You may request the Refund Request Form at any time by sending an email request to us. In addition, you acknowledge and specifically agree disputes or charge backs are not authorized if the Website services have been rendered as described in the service conditions. The Website will take necessary action to overturn any dispute or chargeback filed with your bank and credit card provider. If you have a billing dispute with this Website, it is your responsibility to settle such dispute with the Website directly without initiating any chargeback procedures.
Any chargeback may evoke an administration fee of fifty-dollars ($50), without exception and regardless of the outcome of the chargeback case. In addition to legal fees, if you initiate a chargeback, you agree to be liable for the following charges via a collection agency: original value of service rendered; a fifty-dollar ($50) administrative fee; a fifty-dollar ($50) chargeback fee; and a sixty-dollar ($60) recovery fee. By submitting your credit card information, you indicate your acceptance to pay these costs.
In the event of a chargeback being raised, the Website may, at our sole discretion, provide all relevant information to a third party for the purposes of recovering such debt, or for the pursuit of civil or criminal proceedings. Information provided will include personally identifiable information, including, but not limited to, Name, Address, IP Address, Credit Card information, Date of Birth, Social Security Number and any additional information found from, or provided by, other sources. Note that a collection agency action may negatively impact your credit.
The divorce completion processes varies by court. This Website provides you with the documents required to file and complete an uncontested divorce in Lincoln County Washington or other county in Washington. Detailed instructions are provided to assist you in completing the uncontested dissolution of marriage process in Washington; however, please be aware that each court has slightly different procedures which may change often and without notice; therefore, you should verify all information, processes and procedures with the Clerk of the Court at the time of filing your case with the court.The court and judge have authority over your case and you must adhere to their requirements to initiate and complete your Washington dissolution case. This Website does not file your documents with the court. You must mail or submit your documents in person as the court requires. Court filing fees or any other court fees are your responsibility and completely separate and apart from our service fee. Court filing fees vary from court to court and county to county. You should verify the court filing fee with your local court.
We cannot guarantee the results or outcome of your divorce or dissolution case. We cannot guarantee the judge will rule in your favor on any matter. We are not responsible for your mistakes or circumstances beyond our control. We are not affiliated with, endorsed by or otherwise connected with any court or government body or entity. As such, court backlogs may lead to case delays. We are not responsible for delays with your divorce documents or your divorce or dissolution case.
As a condition of your use of this Website, you warrant that you will not use this Website for any purpose that is unlawful or that is prohibited by these terms of use and notices. You may not use this Website in any manner which could damage, disable, overburden, or impair the Website and servers or interfere with any other party's use and enjoyment of the Website.You may not obtain or attempt to obtain any materials or information through any means not intentionally made available or provided for through the Website. You may not use the Website or servers to publish, post, distribute or disseminate any defamatory, obscene or otherwise unlawful material or information, including another's proprietary information, including trademarks or copyrighted information, without express authorization from the rights holder.
Information submitted by you is provided voluntary. The information requested is used only to complete your divorce documents. You may decide to not provide certain information such as your date of birth, social security number or similar personal information. In such cases you will be responsible for adding this information to your divorce documents yourself. If you fail to provide us with complete information ninety days after paying the service fee, your account will expire and your information will be removed from our system. Your information may be removed sooner upon your request. To have your information removed from our system, submit a request for same via email.Your online account expires 90 days after submitting payment for the service fee. If you fail to provide us with complete information by the 90th day after paying the service fee, your account will expire and your information will be removed from our system. Your information may be removed sooner upon your request. To have your information removed sooner upon request. To have your information removed from our system, submit a request for same via email. Your account will expire after receiving your completed case documents.
This Website and it agents and owners are not responsible for any loss, injury, claim, liability, or damage related to your use of this site or any site linked to this site, whether from errors or omissions in the content of this site or any other linked site or sites. Your use of this site is at your own risk.
The Website, servers and computer system may be monitored for all lawful purposes, including ensuring that their use is authorized, to manage the Website, server and computer system, to facilitate protection against unauthorized access, and to verify security procedures, survivability and operational security. All information (including without limitation, personal information and electronic communications) placed on or sent over this Website, server or computer system may be monitored by this Website.
Such monitoring may include the interception or access of electronic communications placed on or sent over this Website, server or computer system. The unauthorized use of the Website, server or computer system may subject you to criminal prosecution.
Use of the Website, server and computer system, whether authorized or unauthorized, constitutes your consent to the Website to monitor the use of its Website, server and computer system as described herein. Evidence of unauthorized use collected during such monitoring may be used for civil, criminal, administrative or other adverse action.
This Website is Protected by the Copyright Laws of the United States of America. A copyrighted work may not be copied, reproduced, distributed or publicly displayed without the consent of the author or copyright owner. Any unauthorized use of this website or any of its contents, in whole or in part, shall be considered copyright infringement. It is illegal for anyone to violate any of the rights provided by the copyright laws to the owner of this copyright.Should you infringe this copyright, you may be liable to the owner for relief such as injunction, impounding and disposition of infringing articles, attorney's fees, actual damages and any profits resulting from the infringement, or statutory damages up to $150,000 if the infringement was committed willfully. For information regarding the authorized use of any of the contents of this website, contact the website owner directly.
This Website may amend or modify this agreement or impose new conditions at any time upon notice from this Website to you as published through this Website. Any use of the Website by you after such notice shall be deemed your full consent to acceptance by you of such amendments, modifications or new conditions. You are responsible for regularly reviewing these terms, conditions and notices.SEVERABILITY
If any of these terms of use be declared unlawful, void, or for any reason unenforceable, then that provision shall be deemed severable from these terms and shall not affect the validity and enforceability of any remaining provisions. This is the entire agreement relating to the subject matter herein and shall not be modified except as provided herein or in writing, signed by both parties.
How Does WDO Work?
- STEP 1: Find out if you qualify to use Washington Divorce Online.
- STEP 2: Register with Washington Divorce Online and pay the processing fee.
- STEP 3: Complete the online interview. Print and file your divorce petition.